
Star wars iv revisited cover adywan
Star wars iv revisited cover adywan

star wars iv revisited cover adywan

One time, it said on the back of a Butterkist packet to put a movie on before opening the packet and eating the contents. The Star Wars Trilogy became my go-to movies, as it were.

star wars iv revisited cover adywan

Anyway, about this, this melting-pot of science fantasy nostalgia: whatever it was that drew me in, something about it clicked. a golden android and a postbox on wheels! Holograms! Moon-shaped space stations blowing up the Earth (at least that's what I thought Alderaan was at the time)! Lightsabers! Space dogfights! Strangely, I remember more from Star Wars than the other two - I couldn't tell you my initial reaction to Darth Vader revealing his identity to Luke, but I can tell you that the sight of the face behind Vader's mask was somewhat chilling. As a kid, I didn't know what was going on in them at the time, but many of the visuals stuck with me through the years, particularly the first thing that struck me: a big triangular shaped ship thingy trying to punch holes into a smaller ship.

Star wars iv revisited cover adywan