Hi-hat mapping used to be the number one issue for Superior Drummer 2 users who wanted to enhance the quality of sound of their exisiting e-drum setup.With Superior Drummer 2 the feedback from our customers was that the hi-hat had to be remapped constantly and often times it would still not work properly.Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 HiHat Mapping details: (Accessible from an optional SSD drive or as download) With the new version e-drummers get a giant 230+ GB drum sound library with a panorama from stereo to 11.1 surround sound. The new Superior Drummer 3 is even more impressive and extensinve than Superior Drummer 2.Inexpensive upgrade and crossgrade options for Superior Drummer 2 and EZDrummer 2 users.Easy to install and update thanks to the Toontrack Product Manager: You will be notified when new updates become available - just click and install!.Played with a solid e-drum setup the drum sound library offers great reaslim!.New positional sensing features on the snare drum and ride cymbal.New mapping capabilities, especially in terms of hi-hat mapping.Toontrack Superior Drummer 3 - from the perspective of the e-drummer: Please also note the paragraph concerning the "Upgrade, Crossgrade & Core Library SSD".No download, no installation, just connect the drive with USB!.